


Girth Weld Coating in Offshore Pipeline Installations: Unique Considerations

By delivering oil and gas from offshore fields to onshore processing facilities, offshore pipeline systems help meet the world's energy needs. Extreme weather, corrosive marine environments, and high-pressure depths affect these pipes. Girth weld coating is essential for pipeline integrity and lifetime.

July 10th, 2023|

The Impact of Girth Weld Coating on Pipeline Integrity and Longevity

Girth weld coating is the protective layer applied to the circumferential welds that join individual pipeline sections. This coating shields the weld joint from corrosion, abrasion, and other external environmental factors that could jeopardize its structural integrity. Epoxy, polyethylene, polyurethane, and fusion-bonded

July 1st, 2023|

Factors to Consider When Selecting Girth Weld Coatings for Different Environments

Every organization that needs to carry water or other components across vast distances requires pipelines. The coating gives a pipe structural integrity, preserves the product running inside it, and avoids damage. Coatings form a physical barrier that prevents corrosion substances such as

June 30th, 2023|

What is the Procedure of Pipe Joint Coating?

Modern infrastructure's lifelines are its pipelines, which make it possible to transmit essential commodities like water, oil, and gas. The longevity and effectiveness of pipelines must be ensured in the context of pipeline infrastructure.  The joint connections between them greatly aid the

June 28th, 2023|

About Lined Pipe Systems

The co-founders of Lined Pipe Systems came together in
2015 to help solve one of pipeline infrastructure’s most
challenging problems…

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